Sunday, September 20, 2009

I used to LOVE you..........

Just sitting here thinking about the times we spent together, the times we coulda spent together, and all the times we didnt....

I used to love you til the point that i was ready and willing to do whatever you wanted me to. Leave ppl, be with you and only you. I used to love you til I could love you no more. Even when i knew deep down inside you didnt feel the same way about me. I loved then and you probably think I love you still.

I know your wondering why i'm writing this and well the answer is simple. To let you know that my love or the love that i thought i felt for you is gone. I'm happy now and not you or anyone else can take that away from me. I have found someone that I love and that i am in love and who acutally feels the same way. I've found someone who touches me in ways that you have never touched me. Someone who knows what i'm worth. Which is just more than just a piece of ass. Someone who spends time with me all the time and not just when its convient.
Loving you made me feel like i could never be loved the way that i was loved. And now that i've found my special someone i knw that this isnt true. I am now aware of my self-worth. You are NOT worthy of loving not even having someone like me. Someone who is PRICELESS!!! Someone who means so much more than just sex, someone who puts her all into loving a boy like you.....

This isnt just for you but for all of the BOYS that i've dealt with throught my life. For the BOYS who thought they were men. FOR THE BOYS who never did anything for me expect bring me headache and pain. FOR THE BOYS who took me for granted, treated me like shit, and never cared.

These are the same BOYS that i'm thanking for making me so much stronger, making me realize that I DESERVE BETTER, that i'm worth so much more. The ones that let me go. The ones that will never have me again. The ones that lead me to the one that i'm with now. For SHE and SHE alone loves me just as hard as I love her.


1 comment:

  1. Awww! I love it! I posted one today too! Yay for us...and I feel you! Sometimes we block our blessings telling ourselves what we can't have. Thanks for inspiring me! Smooches!
